Hello and Welcome! DG HEALTH SERVICES: Medical Concierge Tourism
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Welcome to DG Health group
The Best International Medical Tourism
experts and
qualified staff

DG Medical Tourism management providers in US, operate in 2 cities: Boca Raton Florida and Athens Greece. To give you high quality affordable medical care together with a memorable tourism experience!
We understand the needs of our patients who seek to travel abroad for medical procedures and believe that everyone has a right to good quality affordable healthcare. DG Medical Tourism was founded on the premise to provide comprehensive care and support packages with integrated services that guarantees the patient that from the moment of choosing our services, that they enjoy an exceptional experience of the best quality medical care and hospitality in USA, Europe – Greece , Israel and more.
DG medical tourism company enables patients to access high-quality physicians, treatments, and health centers while saving up to 60% or more over local costs. We provide medical referral services in plastic surgery, dentistry, Luxury Drug Rehabs, Sober living luxury vacations homes, ophthalmology, and aesthetic medicine and more with a team of certified professionals.

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DG cosmetic journey is a medical tourism agency dedicated and committed to linking you with Greece finest!

Quick links to the information and resources you need.
Below is our mission

“ Our mission is to enhance health
and well-being by providing the best total healthcare. ”

​Discover the key facts and figures behind DG Health Tourism Group
Researching destinations
Choose a Hospital or Doctors
Consult with Your Doctor
Prepare for Travel
Undergo Treatment
Core Value

Looking For World-Class Medical Treatment Outside Your Country?
Look No Further than us…

Our mission

Our mission is to enhence health and well-being by providing the best total healthcare.

Our Vision

Trusted partner for health. A healthy community with quality, affordable healthcare for all.

Quality Policy

We practise high standards through an effective quality management system to assure that our services meet.

Why Choose DG Health Tourism Group Medical Clinics

There are many reasons to choose DG Health Tourism Group as your travel healthcare provider of choice.
Choose from one of the options below to find out more:

Our team of highly trained doctors

“ We are Proud to have a Team of Dedicated Doctors with varying interests and background ”

Please read through their profiles to learn more.
Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery









In vitro fertilization or IVF

Hair transplant

Hair transplant

Hair transplant clinics specialize in minimally invasive procedures

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery

Face lift , Neck lift improve the patient’s appearance by reconstructing



Providing imaging and diagnostic radiology through a team of highly trained doctors

Luxury sober living

Luxury sober living

Luxury sober living

Luxury Rehabs

Luxury Rehabs

Luxury Rehabs




Save Time. Feel Better.

Skip The Waiting Room! Register Online Before You Arrive.
Book an Appointment


Your travel itinerary to Greece

>> Day 1:  Arrival

·          Arrival at the airport (our guide welcomes you upon your arrival)

·          Pick up and transfer to the hotel (then check-in)

·          Transfer from the hotel to the clinic/hospital

·          Visit the doctor/surgeon

·          Preoperative medical tests and images

·          Transfer from the clinic/hospital to the hotel

>> Day 2: Surgery

·          Transfer from hotel to the hospital

·          Preparation for the surgery

·          Patient-physician conversation before the surgery and review of the expectations

·          Performing the surgery

·          Postoperative care in the Recovery Room until you are conscious enough

·          Taking the surgeon’s directions and instructions


·          Transfer from hospital to the hotel



Recognition And Awards

We’re honored to be recognized for quality of care, safety and environmental
excellence. Some of the awards we’ve received include:
From Our Blog - Medical News, Clinical Trials and Guidelines

New Services

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Luxury Sober Living Holistic Rehab

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This is the first, and probably the most important question that comes to mind when talking about medical tourism.

Medical Tourism (also known as health tourism or medical travel) is a term to describe the trend where people travel from one part of the world to another to obtain medical, dental, and surgical care.  Any medical surgery or procedure, no matter where it’s carried out, entails some risk. In order to reduce this risk, we work hard to research & provide our clients with information on various options for high quality medical facilities.

Medical, cosmetic, dental, diagnostics, infertility and cancer treatment, and many other medically-related and surgical procedures.

The difference in cost is caused by labor and insurance costs, and not by a lack of quality. A good portion of health care costs in the U.S. and UK are tied up with administrative(labor cost) and insurance costs.

Many of the doctors from these institutions have been educated and have worked in the USA or a developed European country. Many of our partners have a strategic partnership with leading US institutions such as Johns Hopkins and Harvard Medical International.

Also, unlike many other places, there are no waiting lines.

Yes, we provide you with the doctor’s professional credentials.

Track record of helping hundreds of people with a successful trip abroad.
A US Corporation.
More you can learn in the “About Us” section.

Complete the online application form which will give us a good idea of your needs. We will get back to you.

Patients most likely to use medical tourism are those whose medical insurance do not cover an expensive procedure at home, or the co pay is very high, or the medical procedure is not available at home.  Another case is where there is a long queue for getting the medical help in their home country.

Patients most likely to use medical tourism are those whose medical insurance do not cover an expensive procedure at home, or the co pay is very high, or the medical procedure is not available at home.  Another case is where there is a long queue for getting the medical help in their home country.